In 2025, postgraduate scholarships are available for students conducting innovative research to enhance land rehabilitation measures for coal mines in Queensland.
Each scholarship provides $40,000 per year for up to 3 years, covering living expenses and supporting your research journey.
Applicants are encouraged to align their research proposals with one or more of the following key areas:
-> native ecosystem rehabilitation esp. listed communities and success criteria,
-> rehabilitation of agricultural land esp. subsidence impacts, and
-> landform design including final voids.
To apply, you’ll need to submit a brief proposal (no more than 10 pages) aligned with one or more of the research priorities listed above. See below for the forms and information required.
View the promotional flyer outlining details of the scholarships on offer.
View the application guidelines, including criteria requirements and selection process.
Complete and submit the cover sheet with your application
Other example projects of current and past scholarship recipients include:
Please contact Melissa Ras with any further queries.
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