Dr Anthony Lynham‘s retirement from politics
10 September 2020
QRC Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane:
On behalf of the 372,000 Queenslanders working in or because of the resources industry across the State, I want to thank Dr Anthony Lynham for his service as Minister over the last five years.
Dr Lynham entered politics to prevent the tragic loss of young Queenslanders to one-punch assaults, but he has achieved much more than that important achievement.
For the resources industry, he oversaw key reforms to reinvigorate mineral and gas exploration, the further development of our gas and critical mineral reserves, and he worked with industry to improve the conditions for the coal, mineral and gas industries to invest more and employ more. This work is ongoing.
For the QRC, as the State’s peak representative body for coal, metal and gas explorers, developers and suppliers, Dr Lynham was a partner that understood the issues and opportunities we presented on behalf of the resources sector.
For me personally, Anthony is a trusted friend and a man of integrity and intelligence. Anthony leaves very big shoes that the next Government will need to consider carefully when filling.
Media contact: Anthony Donaghy 0412 450 360