Service Member

McCullough Robertson

McCullough Robertson is one of Australia’s leading independent law firms and the largest law firm in Queensland with a dedicated Resources and Energy Group.

Their lawyers operate around a whole of business approach ensuring seamless legal services are on hand from the project development phase through to operation and expansion.

They travel regularly to the regions and have formed deep and long-lasting relationships with their clients, including some of the world’s largest and most active resource companies.

McCullough Robertson knows the resources sector intimately and can assist you to achieve your goals, working with you every step of the way. The scope of their capabilities is matched by the strength of their reputation for delivering first class legal solutions.

The value difference they bring is:

  1. a strong pioneering history negotiating the complex legal landscape of the Australian resources sector
  2. a committed, connected and commercially focused team that is available when you need them either on site or at their offices in Queensland, NSW and Victoria, and
  3. whole-of-project solutions from structuring and establishment through to operations.

Level 11, Central Plaza Two, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000

GPO Box 1855, Brisbane Qld 4001

07 3233 8888