Statement by QRC Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane, Industrial Manslaughter
4 February 2020
The resources industry supports one in seven jobs across Queensland.
A safe workplace for those 372,000 men and women and their safe return home to family and loved ones is our priority.
The loss of six lives in the mining industry over the last 18 months has been devastating for families, colleagues, companies, communities and our industry.
On 10 July last year, the Queensland Resources Council, representative unions and the State Government agreed to work together, including ‘on reforms to strengthen safety culture in the resources sector.’
This includes sanctions for reckless behaviour and legislative reforms, such as the Government’s proposal to actively consider the offence of ‘industrial manslaughter’, which exists in other industry sectors.
Now the Government’s legislation has been tabled in State Parliament, the QRC will examine the Bill in further detail.
QRC accepts the introduction of industrial manslaughter as an offence in the resources sector. However, QRC is concerned the current proposed legislation unintentionally weakens the mine safety reforms introduced two decades ago following the Moura 2 Mine tragedy that claimed 11 lives on 7 August 1994.
QRC believes it is critical the reforms developed in the wake of that tragedy remain in force and are built upon.
QRC will continue to work with the Government and unions to achieve that end.
QRC will make a formal submission to the Parliamentary Committee that will examine the Bill.
Media contact: Anthony Donaghy 0412 450 360